Hasn’t the recent fracas between the Sena and SRK taken up enough reams of paper, news reels and web-space? Hasn’t the focus conveniently shifted from more relevant issues?
Anyway, as I wouldn’t like to waste more time on what’s right and what’s wrong? Or what was done for publicity or maybe not. Let me not waste ‘web-space’ on the same topic.
Ever wonder, how you end up being friends with the most unlikely person. No offence to the person, of course, but just that, you wouldn’t have ever thought you would be bosom buddies! There have been friends like that in my life, wherein I have spent 3-4 years with that person being acquaintances, and some common ground throws you together making you the best of friends.
The common ground may be any of the following - the workplace, college, train (!), classes, school and many more. I am back to being ‘more than Orkut/ FB’ friends with my classmates from school, because of a school reunion and am I glad, that happened! Thanks to Ram, of course.. College/ classes buddies tend to stay in contact, considering the fact that you tend to have similar career aspirations. Bitching about the boss, the working conditions, the amount of work, favouritism, the furniture, the Air Conditioner.. the list is endless – wherein you end up finding a patient ear or maybe an impatient tongue.. Now, coming to the train friends – doesn’t the lady who offers you her seat hold a special place? There’s a daily dose of entertainment to be found in the train.. Someone’s birthday gets you a piece of cake (:D) – someone might tell you where you can find the best bags in town!! It’s a veritable (not always) source of information, I tell you – atleast the ladies compartment is.
What I am trying to say is, I am thankful to have all these “kinds” of friends – who make my life, the life it is. Love you all..