August 27, 2012

Long day

I haven't been writing much for a while..

So, here goes, a very good friend of mine, who writes a lovely fashion fashion blog herself, lends me a hand..

She is super-talented: She writes, paints, is an amateur photographer, and we share a common love of reading..

A guest post from Shubhi! :)
Do let me know how you like it..

Long day

Long days come by every once in a while
They are excruciatingly slow, and have an unending style.

They are unexpected, sure, but you can sense its on its way
When nocturnal thoughts disturb, and keep sleep at bay
As I toss and turn about at night
The sun, inconsiderate as always, sneaks up, glaring and bright.

And the wretched day has begun.
Breakfast swallowed, Bag packed, I am on the run.
Blinking dimly, I trudge along..
As the world goes by, singing its all familiar song.

The evening falls, casting a gloomy glow
Oh why is everything so painfully slow?
The night nears, on my face there's a glimmer of smile
The long day is over, it won't be coming back for a while!

- Shubhangi