August 27, 2012

Long day

I haven't been writing much for a while..

So, here goes, a very good friend of mine, who writes a lovely fashion fashion blog herself, lends me a hand..

She is super-talented: She writes, paints, is an amateur photographer, and we share a common love of reading..

A guest post from Shubhi! :)
Do let me know how you like it..

Long day

Long days come by every once in a while
They are excruciatingly slow, and have an unending style.

They are unexpected, sure, but you can sense its on its way
When nocturnal thoughts disturb, and keep sleep at bay
As I toss and turn about at night
The sun, inconsiderate as always, sneaks up, glaring and bright.

And the wretched day has begun.
Breakfast swallowed, Bag packed, I am on the run.
Blinking dimly, I trudge along..
As the world goes by, singing its all familiar song.

The evening falls, casting a gloomy glow
Oh why is everything so painfully slow?
The night nears, on my face there's a glimmer of smile
The long day is over, it won't be coming back for a while!

- Shubhangi

July 3, 2012

The Long Wait..

Everyone was out in anticipation. The orange sky was streaked with lightning. The ground was parched and dry. A fierce gust of wind blew the dust and dry leaves in circles. And then it started - the rains.. It started with big drops making the ground smell divinely. The boom of thunder made him shiver. And soon he was completely drenched as was everyone around him. All of them shouted in joy and leapt all over the place. He smiled ruefully, one thing was missing.. Her..
He was with the crowd, but lonely..  He had a smile on his face, but he was sad..

Last year, she had been with him. Playing and jumping about in the rains.. Singing bawdy songs, splashing water on him.. Enjoying the feel of the rains as much as he did. And how pretty she looked.. How could he ever forget that! Those huge eyes of hers looking at him with so much love. How could he not miss her! She wasn't even scared of thunder and lightning. She had once joked – ‘if I kiss you, would you turn into my prince?’ He laughed silently and looked around. Everyone was happy and she would have wanted him to be happy. She had not come back after the deep sleep she went into. He realised he would never be able to forget her. Will she come back? That was a question he didn’t have an answer to..

And then he heard a rustle among the bushes behind him. He turned around. And there she was - Eyes shining, a broad smile plastered on her face and both of them said the same thing - "Croak! Croak! Ribbit! Ribbit"
Happy Monsoon, people!! :)

February 3, 2012

Last stop

The wind blew my hair all over my face.. It was chilly but pleasant.. The rush of air against my face felt good.. It quickly dried away my tears.. Tears which kept rolling down my cheeks..

Things, places, people pass by so soon in the train.. Its all just a blur.. Like memories.. A dash of colour, a ghost of a smile.. Train travel always made me philosophical.. The travel didn't appeal to me anymore..

The train rumbled on the bridge.. I could see the vast black expanse of the sea below.. There seemed to be no bottom to the blackness.. What would happen if I jumped in..? Would someone hear the quiet splash I would make as I hit the water..? Would I be missed by family and friends..? Would I have left something unfinished..? Have I told people how much they mean to me..?

The bottom-less darkness beckoned me.. It showed me an end to all my worries and problems.. I smiled to myself.. "Aaja gufaaon me aa, aaja gunaah kar le.." was playing in my head, for God alone knows, what reason.. Will my jumping be considered a crime..? Questions again.. The questions in my life never seem to end and the answers to most of them haven't been available.. If I jump, I will not have to think of answers to questions at all.. Wouldn't that be a relief..?

A voice in my ear said.. "Aur ye tha film 'Aks' ka gaana..which was based on the Hollywood movie - Face/Off.. Aap sun rahe hai Morning Masala Mallishka ke sang.. Agla gaana hai film 'Force' ka, jise gaaya hai KK ne.. 'Khwabon khwabon khoye khoye.."

And I opened my eyes.. it was a bright day and I was on my way to work.. The girl sitting in front of me smiled at me and said.. 'Last stop - Thought I should wake you up.'